The field experiment conducted at research farm, RARI, Durgapura for two consecutive years during rabi seasons 2013-14 and 2014-15. Results revealed that maximum reduction in weed density at 25 DAS was recorded with pendimethalin pre emergence @ kg/ha and at 50 DAS with 2, 4-D ester @ kg/ha, clodinafop propanyl 15 % + metsulfuran methyl 1 % @ 64 g and metsulfuran methyl @ 4 g . All the weed control treatments produced significantly higher grain and straw yield compared to weedy check. Hand weeding, except weed free produced the maximum grain and straw yield of and q/ha and thus out yielded over rest of the treatment. Being at par with clodinafop propargyl 15 % + metsulfuran methyl 1 % @ 64 g . /ha and sulfosulfuran 75 % +metsulfuran methyl 5 WG @ 32 g . /ha, application of clodinafop propargyl 15 % + metsulfuran methyl 1 % @ 64 g . /ha registered an increase of and per cent in grain and straw yield, respectively over weedy check and thus found as the next superior herbicidal treatment. Further, none of the applied herbicides/mixtures in rabi season (wheat) had residual toxicity on germination of predominant crops (pearlmillet, mungbean and clusterbean) grown in kharif season. | Comparative efficacy of herbicides applied in wheat and their residual effect on the succeeding crops