The study was conducted in Andhra Pradesh state during 2017-18. A total of 120 Bt cotton tenant farmers were selected randomly for the study. Data was collected with interview schedule. To study the nature of the relationship between the profile characteristics and knowledge level of Bt cotton tenant farmers, correlation coefficients (r) was computed and the values were presented in Table 1. The relationship between the profile and knowledge level of Bt cotton tenant farmers were tested by null hypothesis and empirical hypothesis. The independent variables namely education, land taken for lease, training received, extension contact, social participation, annual income, credit acquisition and utilization, possession of soil health card, innovativeness, economic motivation, mass media exposure, risk orientation, market orientation showed a positive and significant relationship with knowledge of Bt cotton tenant farmers at 1 per cent level of significance. Whereas, age showed negative and non-significant relationship and farming experience showed positive and non-significant relationship with knowledge of Bt cotton tenant farmers. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis revealed that all the selected fifteen independent variables put together, explained about per cent variation in the level of knowledge for Bt cotton tenant farmers. Remaining per cent was due to the extraneous effect of the variables. | Study on relationship between profile characteristics of Bt cotton tenant farmers with their level of knowledge on recommended package of practices