Though low solid-not-fat syndrome (SNF) is not a major problem in indigenous breeds like Amit Mahal, in Holstein Friesian and Jersey cross breed cows low SNF is of economic concern to the farmers as the price of the milk is based on the content of SNF. The study was undertaken to determine and compare the serum metabolic profile in indigenous cattle like Amrit Mahal and Holstein Friesian crossbred and Jersey crossbred cows. Selected animals were grouped based on the breed as Group I (Amrit Mahal), Group II (Holstein Friesian crossbred) and Group III (Jersey crossbred cows). Blood samples were collected at 4th, 8th and 12th week of third lactation from six cows belonging to each group were processed to obtain the serum which was stored at – 80°C before it was utilized for determination of metabolic profile using microlab 300 semi-automated biochemical analyser with the help of readymade kits (Erba Diagnostic). Obtained data were analyzed by two way ANOVA. The level of glucose, total protein, albumin, globulin and A/G ratio varied significantly () with respect to different breeds of cattle. | Serum metabolic profile during early lactation in Amrit Mahal, Holstein Friesian crossbred and jersey crossbred cows