Bacillus thuringiensis is produced crystalline proteins, these proteins were used in transgenic cotton to control insect pest. During present study, two trials were with 09 treatments plots of Bt cotton plants viz., 7, 14 and 21gm/. (T1, T2 amd T3) of nitrogen with one row combination of nBt cotton plants while T4, T5, T6 were having two rows combination of nBt cotton plants with same nitrogen treatment as in above mentioned plots whereas T7, T8 and T9 were only treatment with different concentration of nitrogen and there was no rows of nBt cotton plants around the plots were conducted. During this, Cry1Ac protein expression level was analyzed. The results were compared in two ways, one between the plots having same nBt rows but with different nitrogen concentration in the soil and another among overall plots. The expression level was high on initial days (30th day) that decrease gradually. Overall, T6 treatment showed highest Cry1ac expression ., (µg/gm) whereas lowest reported expression was in plot T7. These results show that the nitrogen content and different rows combination of the nBt expressed a prominent effect over the expression of Cry 1 Ac protein. | Optimization of nitrogen content for improved Cry1Ac expression level in Bt cotton