The present investigation was conducted during year 2017-18 in Aurangabad district of Marathwada region in Maharashtra state. The main objective is to study the personal, socio-economic, psychological and situational characteristics of the farmer’s families who committed suicides. From selected district five talukas were selected based on considerable farmer suicide cases. Thirty three villages were selected randomly based on considerable farmer suicide cases. Forty victims was selected proportionate method of random sampling for the study. It is noticed that most of the victims were having young age (), education up to higher primary school level (), victims belong to open category (), victims were from joint family (), medium family size (), medium farming experience between 12 to 30 year (), () victims were possessing small size of land holding . ( to ha.), (), Agriculture (only farming) as main occupation, medium annual income () . Rs. 31383 to 111382, (), medium socio-economic status, () medium type of land (soil), () no source of irrigation, () cotton based cropping system, () victims were founded indebted. | Socio-economic, psychological and situational profile of farmers suicides in Aurangabad district, India