The present study was carried out to know the status of haemoprotozoan infection of domestic pigeon in Assam by microscopic examination of blood of pigeons for a period of one year which revealed an overall prevalence of . Three species viz. Haemoproteus columbae (), Plasmodium relictum () and Leucocytozoon sp. () were identified either in single or mixed infection. According to age, highest prevalence was recorded in adult () and lowest in squab (). Comparatively, infection was recorded higher in females () than males (). Season wise, infection was recorded highest during Pre-monsoon () and lowest during Postmonsoon. Amplification of cyt b gene of Haemoproteus columbae in positive samples by PCR showed clear band at 207 bp. Amplification of mt- cyt b gene of Haemoproteus spp. and Plasmodium spp. by PCR on positive samples revealed clear band at 525 bp. | Prevalence and molecular detection of blood protozoa in domestic pigeon