Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is an important commercial vegetable of tropical and subtropical regions of India. Tomato growers need proper and regular training with regard to cultivating of tomato as it needs close attention in detail and continuous care from sowing time to harvesting. Training has become a critical input in view of the growing sophistication in agricultural technology as well as its cost intensive nature. Study revealed that variables like education, innovation proneness, economic motivation and extension contact were significant at level of probability with „r‟ value **, **, ** and ** respectively, whereas family type and mass media exposure were found significant at level of probability with „r‟ value * and * respectively. These were the most important factors that have influence on the training needs assessment. Further, family type with „t‟ value (**), innovation proneness (**) and economic motivation (**) were found significant at level of probability whereas extension contact (*) was found significant at level of probability may be termed as good predictors that can be effectively use as a tool for the assessment of training needs of tomato growers in Meghalaya. | Training needs assessment of tomato growers in west Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya, India