Investigation was carried out during the year 2017-2018. For present study multistage sampling design was used in selection of district, tehsils, and village and ber growers. On the basis of high area under ber crop Pandharpur and Sangola tehsils were selected. From selected two tehsils 6 villages were selected purposely on the basis of highest area under ber crop. From each village 8 ber growers were selected. In this way 96 ber growers were selected for the present study. The information collected with respect to expenditures and returns were analyzed in tabular form by using cost concept like Cost –A, Cost- B and Cost – C. Data pertain to the year 2017-2018 The result revealed that Cost – A was Rs. in which share of Cost –B was Rs. while that of Cost – C was Rs. . Gross return was found to be Rs. and net profit was Rs. . The B:C ratio was . | Cost, returns and profitability of ber production in Solapur district of Maharashtra, India