An experiment was conducted at Agronomy farm, . College of Agriculture, Jobner during kharif season 2017. The treatments comprising four Sulphur levels (control, 20 kg S/ha, 40 kg S/ha and 60 kg S/ha) and four foliar spray of iron (control, foliar spray of FeSO4 at flowering, peg formation and flowering + peg formation) assigned to main and subplots of Randomized Block Design, respectively were replicated thrice. Groundnut variety RG-425(Raj Durga) was used as a test crop. Sulphur fertilization 60 kg/ha significantly increased chlorophyll and leghaemoglobin content but enzymatic activities in soil were found significant at 40 kg S/ha. Soil properties like Available S increases up to 60 kg/ha, but Available N, P, K and Fe did not differ significantly on application of different levels of Sulphur. The foliar spray of at flowering + peg formation stage increases chlorophyll and leghaemoglobin content. The available N, P, K, S and Fe in soil as well as dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphates were found non-significant on foliar spray of FeSO4 at different stages. Based on response studies, kg/ha was found to be the optimum level of S for groundnut. | Effect of sulphur and iron on chlorophyll content, leghaemoglobin content, soil properties and optimum dose of Sulphurfor groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)