Chapter 3 supplement, acceptance sampling. This chapter includes contents: Single-sample attribute plan, operating characteristic curve, developing a sampling plan with excel, average outgoing quality, double - and multiple-sampling plans. | Lecture Operations management: Creating value along the supply chain (Canadian edition) - Chapter 3S OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, Canadian Edition Robert S. Russell, Bernard W. Taylor III, Ignacio Castillo, Navneet Vidyarthi CHAPTER 3 SUPPLEMENT Acceptance Sampling Supplement 3-1 Lecture Outline Single-Sample Attribute Plan Operating Characteristic Curve Developing a Sampling Plan with Excel Average Outgoing Quality Double - and Multiple-Sampling Plans Supplement 3-2 Acceptance Sampling Accepting or rejecting a production lot based on the number of defects in a sample Not consistent with TQM or Zero Defects philosophy producer and customer agree on the number of acceptable defects a means of identifying not preventing poor quality percent of defective parts versus PPM Sampling plan provides guidelines for accepting a lot Supplement 3-3 Single–Sample Attribute Plan • Single sampling plan • N = lot size • n = sample size (random) • c = acceptance number • d = number of defective items in sample • If d ≤c, accept lot; else reject Supplement 3-4 Producer’s and Consumer’s Risk AQL or acceptable quality level proportion of defects consumer will accept in given lot or producer’s risk probability of rejecting a good lot LTPD or lot tolerance percent defective limit on the number of defectives the customer will accept β or consumer’s risk probability of accepting a bad lot Supplement 3-5 Producer’s and Consumer’s Risk Accept Reject Good Lot Type I Error No Error Producer’ Risk Bad Lot Type II Error No Error Consumer’s Risk Sampling Errors Supplement 3-6 Operating Characteristic (OC) Curve Shows probability of accepting lots of different quality levels with a specific sampling plan Assists management to discriminate between good and bad lots Exact shape and location of the curve is defined by