Magneto-optical absorption coefficient (MOAC) in infinite square quantum well (SQW) is investigated by time-dependent perturbation method. The dependence of MOAC on the photon energy is calculated and graphically plotted. From the graphs showing this dependence, we obtained the spectral line width (the full-width at half maximum - FWHM) of the cyclotron-phonon resonance peaks using Profile method. The results show that the occurrence of peaks satisfies cyclotron-phonon resonance conditions and the FWHM of resonance peak increases with the magnetic field and decreases with the width of the quantum well. | Influence of phonon confinement on cyclotron–phonon resonance in infinite square quantum well INFLUENCE OF PHONON CONFINEMENT ON CYCLOTRON–PHONON RESONANCE IN INFINITE SQUARE QUANTUM WELL VO THANH LAM1 , LE DINH2 1 Sai Gon University, Email: vothanhlam2003@ 2 Hue University of Education, Email: ledinh@ Abstract: Magneto-optical absorption coefficient (MOAC) in infi- nite square quantum well (SQW) is investigated by time-dependent perturbation method. The dependence of MOAC on the photon en- ergy is calculated and graphically plotted. From the graphs showing this dependence, we obtained the spectral line width (the full-width at half maximum - FWHM) of the cyclotron-phonon resonance peaks using Profile method. The results show that the occurrence of peaks satisfies cyclotron-phonon resonance conditions and the FWHM of resonance peak increases with the magnetic field and decreases with the width of the quantum well. Keywords: Quantum well, Infinite square potential, Magneto-optical absorption coefficient, cyclotron - phonon resonance, Full-width at half maximum. 1. INTRODUCTION Cyclotron-phonon resonance (CPR) is an effect resulting from the interaction between electrons and phonons in semiconductors subjected to an electromagnetic field and a static magnetic field [1, 2]. This effect is the combination of two types of resonances: the cyclotron resonance, where the electromagnetic wave frequency Ω is equal to cyclotron frequency ωc [3, 4, 5] and the magneto-phonon resonance, where the phonon frequency ωq is equal to ωc [6, 7]. CPR is considered to be more general than the two above - mentioned resonances due to the combination of two actions: the absorption of a photon of energy ~Ω occurs simultaneously with absorbing or emitting a phonon. This means that the CPR arises at the photon energy ~Ω = p~ωc ± ~ω0 , where p is a positive integer. Because of its pivotal role, the CPR has .