Bài viết nghiên cứu, thực nghiệm đánh giá 4 thuật toán Spline, IDW, Kriging và Natural Neighbor để mô hình hóa địa hình trên hai mảnh bản đồ đại diện cho các dạng địa hình khác nhau, kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy rằng: Sự thích ứng từng thuật toán phụ thuộc nhiều vào dạng địa hình từng khu vực nội suy khác nhau. | Nghiên cứu, thực nghiệm so sánh các phương pháp mô hình hóa địa hình VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 35, No. 4 (2019) 68-79 Original Article Research and Experimental Comparison of Topographic Modeling Methods Phan Quoc Yen*, Nguyen Thi Thu Nga, Tong Thi Hanh Military Technical Academy, 236 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam Received 12 September 2019 Revised 17 November 2019; Accepted 18 November 2019 Abstract: The topography of the earth's surface can be represented in GIS by DEM data. Surface modeling is the process of determining natural or artificial surfaces using one or more mathematical equations. A general surface modeling algorithm for all applications is not available, each method of creating a topographic surface has several advantages, disadvantages and depends on its processing direction. As such, experimenting, evaluating and selecting algorithms that are appropriate to the reality of the data and research area are necessary. Research paper, experimentally evaluating 4 Spline, IDW, Kriging and Natural Neighbor algorithms to model terrain on two map pieces representing different terrain types, the research results show that: the adapting each algorithm depends heavily on the terrain of each interpolation area. Spline interpolated terrain surfaces in more detail in ravine and valley areas; Natural Neighbor excels at matching the contours of data in all regions. IDW and Kriging algorithms have similar results and have lower accuracy than the above two methods, especially it is difficult to interpolate peaks and slopes. MAE, respectively, of high and medium hills and mountains are Spline (, ), NN (, ), IDW (, ), Kriging (, ). Keywords: Spatial interpolation, topographic modeling, DEM, DSM, accuracy. * _ * Corresponding author. E-mail address: yenphanquochv@