The study was carried out at university Research Farm, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, under light textured soils. The treatments consisted of three irrigation levels viz., I1: drip irrigation at 100% Potential Evapo transpiration (PE), I2: drip irrigation at 75% PE and I3: surface irrigation, and three nutrient levels viz., F1: Farm Yard Manure (FYM) 25 t ha-1 + 50% recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF), F2: FYM 25t ha-1 + 100% RDF and F3:100% RDF. Cumulative irrigation water was calculated and applied as per the treatment schedule. Plant samples were analyzed for macro nutrients and uptake of nutrients by plants was calculated. Chlorophyll content was estimated periodically. Plant vegetative growth and yield contributing characteristics were measured to relate with irrigation frequency and nutrients. The nutrient uptake by plants had more influence on growth and yield of plants. Irrigation through drip at 100 % PE maintained the moisture availability throughout the crop growth period. Highest leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD Values) ( and ) was obtained with application of FYM 25 t ha-1 + 100 % RDF and drip irrigation at 100% PE. The yield was found higher with the application of FYM 25 t ha-1 + 100 % RDF and drip irrigation at 100% PE. Crude protein content of bajra napier hybrid grass was significantly influenced with nutrient and irrigation levels. | Impact of irrigation and nutrients on the performance of Bajra napier hybrid grass grown under light sandy soil