A field experiment was carried out during rainy season of 2016 at the Instructional Farm, JNKVV College of Agriculture, Rewa (.) “To study the effect of tillage and cultural practices on growth, yield and economics of kodo millet”. Kodo millet crop when grown by adopting conservation tillage practices and sowing of pigeonpea as intercrop followed by opening of conservation furrow between paired rows of pigeonpea (C2) resulted in better growth and development of kodo millet over rest of the tillage and cultural practices. Conservation tillage (T2) was found the most suitable tillage practice for growing kodo millet crop under skeletal soil. The net return as well as benefit: cost ratio was reckoned highest from the treatment (T2C2) here intercropping of kodo millet + pigeonpea was done followed by opening in the ratio of 2:4 conservation furrows between paired rows of pigeonpea due to the higher price of pigeonpea over the kodo millet. Whereas, the farmers obtaining for sole kodo millet should grow kodo millet by adopting conservation tillage and application of crop residue as mulch for obtaining higher benefit. | Effect of tillage and cultural practices on growth, yield and economics of Kodo millet