A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2017 at ICAR- Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Southern Regional Research Station, Dharwad to study the effect of dates of sowing and haulm cutting on seed yield and quality of fodder cowpea. The treatments imposed include three dates of sowing (S1: Sown on June 15th, S2: Sown on July 15th and S3: Sown on August 15th) and four levels of cutting (C1: No cutting, C2: Haulm cutting at flower initiation, C3: Haulm cutting at five days after flower initiation and C4: Haulm cutting at ten days after flower initiation). The results revealed that, significantly maximum plant height ( cm), number of branches (), number of leaves () was noticed in 15th June sowing with no cutting and more number of days to flower initiation (), days to 50 per cent flowering (), days to maturity (), higher green fodder yield ( t ha-1 ) and dry fodder yield ( t ha-1 ) was noticed in 15th June sowing with haulm cut at 10 days after flower initiation. | Effect of dates of sowing and haulm cutting on growth and yield of fodder cowpea