Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is the sixth most important crop grown worldwide after wheat, rice, maize, potato and cassava and is considered as staple food in many developing countries. The largest quantity of sweet potato production is noticed in Asia and the Pacific Islands (93% of global production). However, sweet potatoes face the problem of weevils, shrinkage and loss of nutrients in storage. Therefore, present research on shelf-life and physicochemical parameters of 12 different sweet potato genotypes were studied in order to determine the varieties for better storage. Among those, the genotype BSP1was found to be good and exhibited superior qualities like high dry matter (), low values for TSS ( °Brix), reducing and non reducing sugars ( and ), starch () and physiological loss in weight ()throughout the storage period. The genotypes Sree Bhadra and BSP23 were the next best genotypes to maintain all the above mentioned characters. | Efficiency of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes in retention of processing qualities under ambient conditions