In India, redgram mainly grown in many states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh and it occupies million hectares of area with the about million tonnes of production, having yield of 849 kg per hectare on an average. In Karnataka, redgram accounts an area of million hectares with the million tonnes of production, having an average productivity of 733 kg per ha. Present study was conducted in NorthEastern region of Karnataka state during the year 2016-18,to identify the constraints and suggestions as expressed by redgram growers. The data were collected from the randomly selected 180 redgram growers through personal interview method using structured pre-tested interview schedule. Results indicated that, constraints faced by farmers in managing redgram crop, among the production constraints scarcity of labour ( %) was the main constraint expressed by the respondents. The constraints related to crop marketing concerned, it was clearly observed that fluctuation in prices ( %), with respect to technical constraints, lack of timely and adequate supply of input stood first rank ( %). The major economic constraints expressed were high cost of production ( %) and with respect to extension constraints, lack of frequent technical supervision and guidance ( %) were the major constraint expressed by redgram growers. The suggestion expressed by redgram growers for improving redgram cultivation, the results revealed that more than 80 per cent of redgram growers suggested High MSP (Minimum Support Price) for redgram ( %) followed by reduction in the cost of inputs ( %) and more of government subsidies ( %). | Constraints and suggestions as expressed by redgram growers in North-eastern Karnataka, India