India is major fruit producing country in the world after china. India have rich fruit diversity in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. Some of the fruits like Guava, pomegranate, lemon, acid lime, mandarin etc., give various flowering flushes throughout the year if left without any treatment. These crop shows three distinct flowering seasons . February-March (AmbeBahar), June-July (MrigBahar) and October-November (HastaBahar) with the corresponding harvest period during rainy (June – July), winter (November- December) and spring season(February- March), respectively. The main prime objective of crop regulation is to give the force of the tree for rest and produce profuse blossom and fruits during any one of the two or three flushes. To get good quality production bahar regulation are necessary in such a way that they could produce only one crop instead of two or three flushes in a year. It can be achieved through various treatments and methods like withholding irrigation, root pruning, root exposure, shoot pruning, defoliation, flowers thinning, one leaf pair pruning, spray of chemical . NAA, urea, NAD, D etc. Selection of bahar depends upon location and some prevailing production constraints like availability of the irrigation water, fruit quality, market prices and occurrence and infestations of the diseases and pests. Crop regulation is planning method to obtain good quality fruit and yield with good income generation by selected season crops. It is sustainable operation because this must be achieved without negatively impacting people, the environment or the financial bottom line. | Crop regulation: Need to be good quality and higher production of fruit crops