The objective of this study was to explore the gross morphological and histolmorphometric observations in the mammary gland of Boer graded local goats in India. The present study was conducted in adult lactating and nonlactating (n =6 each) Boer local she-goats. The mammary gland in both the group was a compound tubulo-alveolar gland surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. The alveoli were the principal secretory unit lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. In lactating animals, well developed alveoli, filled with secretions and lipid droplets were observed. The non-lactating alveoli was dry, shrunken contained obliterated lumen without lipid droplets. The connective tissue stroma was well developed in non-lactating animals. Alveolar and intralobular ducts were lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. Interlobular and large lactiferous ducts were lined by bilayered cuboidal epithelium. Significant difference was observed in the length of lobule, breadth of lobule, number of alveoli per lobule, alveoli size, alveolar luminal diameter, nucleus diameter and epithelial thickness of alveoli. | Gross morphological and histomorphometric observations of udder in boer local she-goats