The effect of increasing levels of nitrogen on organic carbon and nutrient status under finger millet, maize and field bean, cultivated soil was studied in the experiment. Experiment was conducted at AICRPDA, under rainfed condition. Split plot design was used which consist of three levels of nitrogen viz., high (100% Recommended dose RD), medium (50% RD) and low (no application of nitrogen) as subplot and type of crop grown as finger millet, field bean and maize were grown as main plot under rainfed condition. Apart from nitrogen, other cultural practices were followed as per the package of practices. Soil samples were separated in to two size aggregates, macro (>250 µm) and micro (>250 µm) using wet sieving method. Total organic carbon (TOC) was analysed in each group of aggregates under cultivation of field bean, finger millet and maize separately and available nutrients of soil were analysed and recorded after the harvesting of crop. It was found that increased level of nitrogenous fertilizer enhanced the total organic carbon in all the crops and impact was more pronounced under maize (cereal crop). Macro aggregates recorded with higher accumulation of TOC as compared to micro aggregates. Available nitrogen and micronutrients were recorded in increasing trend with increase in the nitrogen level. Available phosphorus and potassium content in soil a decreased in content with increasing the levels of nitrogen. The interaction effect of crop grown and level of nitrogen was recorded non-significant under available nutrients content in rainfed condition. The Thus, it was concluded that higher nitrogen level increased the TOC as well as maintained the soil nutrient status in the soil as compared to low level. Cultivation of different crops has differential impact on soil nutrient status and plays an important role in the soil fertility. | Appraisement of total organic carbon under different levels of +nitrogen in different size soil aggregates in cereal-pulse based cropping system in rained condition