Climate change is the most profound challenge over the international community in 21st century. It already affects livelihood and health of people worldwide and mostly people under poverty line. A few years ago snowfall was a regular phenomenon but from the past 20 years only 2-3 instances of snowfall are recorded particularly in Himachal Pradesh. There is an average increase in temperature of about till October, whereas, 2-10% reduction in rainfall and 50-100 ppm increase in CO2 concentration has been observed, that reduce the apple yield. Apple cultivation is an important profession in Himachal Pradesh and temperature variation changes weather parameters hampering the availability of weather factors at critical stages of growth causing decrease in productivity of apple. In apple, there is decrease in yield due to water shortage (80%) and evaporation rate (20%) leads to reduction in chilling hours. This cause shifting of apple belts towards higher hills of Himachal Pradesh as most cultivars require 1000-1600 chilling hours at or below 7ºC. Climate change has resulted in a decreasing productivity at some extent of apple crop in recent years. | A review on impact of climate change on apple production and scope of diversification in himachal Pradesh