Gender Empowerment has been a highly focused area over three decades to empower women so that they can be made free from the mettle of exploitation, deprivation, and social impoverishment. The study was conducted in Haringhata Block under Nadia district of West Bengal. Both purposive as well as simple random sampling was adopted for selection of 100 respondents in five mouzas of the selected block. The present study envisages two components viz. livelihood and income generation as to have conceptual and operational contribution in empowering women adequately and workably. There are 19 independent variables (X1-X19) and 1 independent variable (Empowerment). For the analysis and interpretation statistical tools Correlation of coefficient, Path Analysis, Regression analysis and Canonical Correlation analysis have been used. The results reveal that out of 19 independent variables 14 variable found to have strong significant positive co-relationship at 1% level of significance (Education **, Land **, House Type **, Material Possession **, Family Income **, Social Participation **, Mass Media Exposure **, Training **, Monetary **, Non monetary Benefits **, Profit utilization Pattern **, Decision making in household activities **, Decision making in agricultural activities ** and Socio economic activities change after Income Generating Activities **) with the predicted variable Empowerment. The variable Socio-Economic status Change shows highest direct effect on Empowerment where as the Family Income shows the highest indirect effect in path analysis. The residual effect is 26%, it could be contributed that the combination of 19 variables had been able to explain 74% of the variation in the consequent variable . Empowerment. Stepwise Multiple Regression analysis explained 72 % and all predictors in this equation have resulted significant regression coefficient to explain Empowerment. | Influence of socio-economic factors on empowerment of farm women: An in depth analysis