Eighteen animals were engaged for therapeutic trial with three groups (Group 1; Control, Group 2; Mixture of Ammonium Chloride and Calcium Sulphate at 1:1 ratio and Group 3; Commercial salts preparation, Hyporid™) containing six animals each. The efficacy of various anionic salt preparations was determined on the basis of haemato-biochemical changes and incidence of milk fever after calving. Dietary Cation-Anion Difference (DCAD) concentration in control group was positive (+ mEq/100gm of dry matter). After adding anionic salt preparation DACD concentrations were negative in both Group 2 ( mEq/100gm of dry matter) and Group 3 ( mEq/100gm of dry matter). In this therapeutic study, milk fever incidence rate was (2/6) in control group whereas no occurrence of milk fever was reported in Group 2 and Group 3. | Minerals and electrolytes status in cows fed on rations supplemented with anionic salts in pre-partum period in prevention of milk fever