The present study was conducted in Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh in the year of 2018-19. Out of 43 mandals, only 5 mandals was purposely selected. From these mandals 12 villages were randomly selected, from these villages 8 vegetables growers were selected from each village by simple random sampling method. Thus the total numbers of 96 vegetables growers were selected. Average productivity of vegetables crop in Nellore is very low ( q. /ha.) and far from the national average yield of 17 mT./ha. It is mainly because of poor knowledge as well as adoption of scientific technologies of vegetable cultivation. A wide gap exists between the yields obtained and the potential yields. By adopting improved varieties and technologies, the production and productivity can be increased. Promotion of hybrid vegetable technology or improved varieties is major strategy for increasing productivity. The major constraints could be detected to vegetable production technology like non-remunerative price (), lack of irrigation facilities (), lack of knowledge of IPM technologies and lack of subsidy (). | Constraints in adoption of vegetables production technology in nellore district of Andhra Pradesh, India