A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2016-17to identify optimum meteorological week for sowing of pigeonpea. The treatments were four sowing dates (26th MW-30 June, 28th MW-15 June, 31th MW-30 July and 33th MW-15 August and three varieties (Asha (ICPL87119), PKV-TARA, BSMR-736) with three replications and twelve treatment combinations were tested in Factorial Randomized Block Design. The results revealed that the Pigeonpea variety PKV-TARA recorded significantly higher grain (2182 kg ha-1 ). Yield contributing characters such as number of pods plant-1 (184), straw yield (6356 kg ha-1 ) and biological yield (8537 kg ha-1 ) were higher in variety PKV-TARA than followed by Asha and BSMR-736. The performance of Crop simulation model (InfoCrop model v beta) in respect of phenological events (Days to flowering, days to maturity) was found to be highly reliable. Day to flowering and biological yield was well matched with model. Grain yield and straw yield were found to be slightly overestimated by model. | Evaluation of sowing time for Kharif pigeonpea and validation by infocrop