Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) is one of the most serious plant viral pathogen of tomatoes grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The virus is a monopartite and bipartite Gemini virus, transmitted by the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). In an effort to identify the resistance source/s against this disease, 47 tomato segregating population from F1 generation from the cross between resistant parents (DMT2 X COHBT24) and 37 private sector commercial tomato hybrids were screened for resistance against ToLCV during summer season (2017) under natural disease incidence condition. Tomato seedlings grown on portrays (28 days old) were transplanted on to the main field. The observations on per cent incidence (PI), per cent disease index (PDI) were recorded at 30 days interval after transplanting (60 and 90 DAS) and Area under Disease Progress Curve (AUPDC) values were calculated. Among the population screened, no visual symptoms of ToLCV infection were observed in COHBTTF1/11-4, whereas maximum ToLCVD severity (45 PDI) was recorded in COHBTTF1/325-1 even at 90 days after transplanting (DAT). The entire population evaluated was grouped into resistant (11 Nos.), mild infection (38 Nos.) and moderate infection (35 Nos.) exclusively based on resistance reaction against ToLCV. The AUDPC values for ToLCVD ranged from 0 (COHBTTF1/11-4) to 1275 (COHBTTF1/325-1). For categorization of the tomato genotypes/hybrids into different resistance reaction groups, the AUDPC values depicting the resistance reaction over the entire period of study need to be considered in addition to PI and PDI values at a standard time of observation. | Screening for identification of resistance sources of tomato against tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) from segregating population and private sector hybrids under natural disease incidence