Data maintained on 742 breeding bulls of different breeds indicated that 213 cases were affected during 3 year period and 78 cases were treated by surgical interventions. Surgical cases recorded were as lameness 51 (), major affections 09 () and minor affections 18 (). Lameness was highest in purebred Holstein Friesian () compared to purebred Jersey bulls (), while it was highest in crossbred Holstein Friesian () compared to crossbred Jersey bulls (). Proper hoof trimming was mainly essential tool in early recovery of hoof lameness. The broad spectrum antibiotic (Amoxicillin-Cloxacillin) was parentally administered in ulceration cases. The major surgical affections recorded () were preputial prolapse, urolithasis, diaphragmatic hernia and horn avulsion. Minor surgical cases were highest in crossbred Jersey bulls () due to abscessation. The overall recovery rate in breeding bulls for lameness, major and minor surgical affections was , and per cent respectively.