Calotropis procera is strongly recommended in leprosy, hepatic and splenic enlargement, dropsy and worms. The latex is applied to painful joints nad swelling fresh leaves are also used for same purpose. Oil which the leaves have been boiled is applied to paralyzed part. The milky juice is used in India as purgative, while flowers are considered as digestive, stomachic, tonic and useful in cough, asthma catarish, loss of appetite and hepatitis. The root bark is used to promote secretion and to be useful in treating skin disease, enlargement of abdominal viscera, intestinal worms, ascites and ancesraca. The leaves of Aak are warmed and tied around any body organ in pain. It is practically useful in backache and I joint pains. Calotropis procera latex contain cardioids such as calotropin, calotoxin, uscherin, uscchardin, glycoside calotropaginin, choline, o-pyrocatechuric acid, benzoyllineolone, benzoylisoloneolane, uzariganinand syriogenis proteins such as osmotin, calotropin etc. Osmotropin and calotropin shows the antimicrobial activity against microbe. Here we were isolated a novel protein from latex using ionexchange and gel filter Ttration chromatography that shows the antimicrobial activity. Antimicrobial activity assay done against bacterial and fungi. The bacterial and fungi strains are collected from Gautam Buddha University Greater Noida (). E. coli, S. enterica, Vibro sp. P. aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Fusarium sp. and saccharomyces sp. Microbe were used for antimicrobial assay at different pH, temp, & concentration. Protein are being crystalized for structural and functional application. | Purification and characterizations of anti-microbial protein from Calotropis procera