The study made comparative assessment of dry vs. liquid feeding on growth, nutrient digestibility and economics of grower-finisher LWY pigs. Twelve weaned piglets (± to ± kg, 42-days of age) were assigned to two treatments - dry feeding (DF) and liquid feeding (LF) for 180 days. The LF was prepared by mixing basal ration with water at 1:2 (w/w) immediately before feeding. No significant difference was observed for feed intake. Body weight gain was statistically insignificant in growing, but was significantly high in LF in finishing period. No significant (P>) difference was observed for nutrient digestibility, but was comparatively better in LF than DF. There was improvement of fortnightly FCR in LF, but without any significant difference. | Dry Vs. liquid feeding: Growth performance, nutrient digestibility and economics in large white yorkshire (LWY) grower-finisher pigs