The study was conducted in Dharmapuri district, Tamil Nadu to examine the cost and returns of organic ragi production and to analyze the marketing efficiency and constraints in marketing. Certified organic farmers who got group organic certification from TNOCD were contacted for the study. Cost of cultivation and returns were assessed using CACP approach and marketing channel was identified. Price spread and marketing efficiency was assessed using Acharya’s approach for the identified marketing channel. The cost of cultivation of organic ragi was Rs. 27137 per ha, of which the share of family labour alone 27 per cent and the share of human labour was nearly 52 per cent. Net income per ha was . Price spread was higher in ragi cookies (79%) and lower in ragi flour (41%). The farmer’s share in consumer price was higher in ragi flour (59%) and lower in cookies (21%). Marketing efficiency was higher in ragi flour than cookies and sprouted flour. Hence farmers should be educated on improved varieties for getting higher yield. Processing units may be supplied to the Organic Farmers Association at free of cost for value addition so as to increase the farmer’s net income and to provide additional employment. Self-help Group or Joint Liability Group’s may be organized among the members so as to start up new enterprises relating to value addition and opening retail outlets on their own to get sustainable income. | Marketing practices and marketing efficiency of organic minor millets in Tamil Nadu, India