The present investigation entitled “Genetic evaluation of CMS lines and their maintainers for yield and horticultural traits in cabbage (Brassica oleracea .)” was carried out at „Vegetable Research Farm‟ of the Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSKHPKV Palampur with the objectives to identify the promising CMS lines and their maintainers and to find out genetic variability. High yielding CMS lines with good combining ability is a pre-requisitefor hybrid development in cabbage. Twenty three genotypes (15 CMS lines+ six maintainer lines + two checks namely KGMR-1 and Varun) were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications during Rabi, 2017-18. Analysis of variance for all the traits viz., plant spread (cm), number of non-wrapper leaves, polar diameter (cm), equatorial diameter (cm), days to harvest, compactness of head (g/cm3 ), TSS (0Brix), ascorbic acid content (mg/100g), gross head weight (g), net head weight (g), marketable heads per plot and marketable head yield per plot (kg) exhibited the presence of sufficient variability in the germplasm as revealed by significant differences for all the characters. Based upon overall performance, genotypes namely II-MCMS (), GA(P)-105CMS (), KGAT-II (), IISCMS () and III-105CMS () were found to be the most promising for marketable head yield (q/ha) and various other horticultural PCV estimates were recorded for marketable head yield per plot and net head weight. High heritability coupled with moderate genetic advance was observed for gross head weight, net head weight, number of non-wrapper leaves, head shape index and TSS. | Genetic evaluation of CMS lines and their maintainers for yield and horticultural traits in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.)