Fruit Crops yield and quality significantly increase with the use of micronutrients such as zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), etc. Zinc (Zn) has an important metabolically role in plants vegetative and reproductive phases; growth and development; is therefore called an essential trace element or a micronutrient. Calcium plays a critical role for the growth of fruit quality; while magnesium is an important component for chlorophyll and Iron involved in chlorophyll production; Boron for proper flower development and pollen germination; Copper and Manganese both helps in photosynthesis process and Mg also helps in nitrogen metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins and respiration. Micronutrient influences the activity of many metabolic enzymes, as well as the metabolism of several hormones. They are important co-factors found in the structure of certain enzyme and hormones. Use of micronutrients in fruit crops is an important management practice where much misinformation exists, by doing so, you can prevent deficiencies of micronutrients before they occur and reduce inefficient use of applied micro nutrients. There is so many research reviews indicated that the necessity and management of micro nutrients in fruit crops for better growth of vegetative, reproductive and physiological parameters. The aim of this review paper is to know the use of micronutrient in various fruit crops for growth, yield, quality and better shelf life. Also provide a ready source of literature review for researchers involved in Horticultural as well as agricultural sciences.