An experiment was carried out at the Instructional-Cum-Research farm, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat during 2013 and 2014 to study the effect of fertility management (F0 - control, F1 - t/ha enriched compost, F2 - t/ha enriched compost) and weed management (W0-weedy check, W1- hand hoeing and earthing up at 20 and 50 DAS, W2-in situ cowpea mulching upto 50 DAS,W3- in situ blackgram mulching upto 50 DAS) in maize and also to study the carry-over effects of these treatments on the succeeding sesamum crop in a split-plot design with 3 replications. The soil of the experimental field was sandy loam in texture, acidic in reaction (pH ), medium in soil organic C (), medium in available N ( kg/ha), P2O5 ( kg/ha) and K2O ( kg/ha). Application of F2 significantly produced the highest yield of maize ( kg/ha in 2013 and kg/ha in 2014) as compared to application of F1 and F0. Fertility management interacted with weed management significantly and the best combination was F2W1 (grain yield of kg/ha in 2013 and kg/ha in 2014). Fertility management during maize seemed to significantly improve the growth and yield of sesamum and the best treatment was application of F2 in maize (seed yield of kg/ha in 2013 and kg/ha in 2014). The interaction effect of F and W on succeeding sesamum was significant only during 2014 for yield. Application of F2 and W1 in maize maintained significantly higher organic C, residual soil available N, P2O5 and K2O in the maize-sesamum cropping sequence compared to other treatments. | Study on maize-sesamum cropping system as influenced by weed and organic nutrient management on yield and soil health under rainfed condition of North east India