The present experiment was conducted to study the effect of feeding fermented dried feed with avian specific Lactobacillus species and Bacillus subtilis in broiler birds. Two hundred and fifty one day old mixed sex commercial (Venn Cobb) broiler chicks were randomly distributed into five groups (Gr 1, Gr 2, Gr 3, Gr 4 and Gr 5) of 50 birds each by following completely randomized block design. Each group, comprised of five replicated pens (n=5) and each replicate contained ten broiler chickens. The Group 1 was fed the basal diet as per BIS, 2007, without any supplementation and was served as control (C). Birds in Group 2 (AGP) were fed basal diet supplemented with the Antibiotic Growth Promoters . Bacitracin methylene disalicylate @ g/kg of feed. Birds in Group 3 (FBS) were fed basal diet fermented with Bacillus subtilis. Birds in Group 4 (FLB) had received the basal diet fermented with avian specific Lactobacillus species, isolated and characterized from broiler bird itself and birds in Group 5 (FBSLB) had received the basal diet fermented with Bacillus subtilis& avian specific Lactobacillus species. Duration of experiment was 42 days. Blood was collected on day 28 and day 42 for checking haematological parameters like RBC, WBC, PCV and Hb, blood biochemical values and anti-oxidant profile. | Effect of solid state fermented dried feed with avian specific Lactobacillus species and bacillus subtilis on haematological, blood biochemical and anti-oxidant profile of broiler birds