The present study was conducted in four villages of Kesla and Hoshangabad blocks of Hoshangabad District. For household income and food & nutritional security through women empowerment and to find better performance among the narmada nidhi and local non descript (ND) breed, 25 female and 5 male birds of each breed are distributed to 10 women’s of each 4 village in these 2 blocks for backyard rearing. From the experiment, it was concluded that body weight was significantly higher in Narmada nidhi birds as compare to ND birds, similarly egg production was also significantly higher in the Narmada nidhi, birds but age at 1st laying and mortality rate were on the lower side in Narmada nidhi than ND birds though found non-significant among each other. The egg selling rate was same for both the breeds. The study revealed that, Narmada Nidhi as Backyard poultry is play an important role to empower women socially and economically, as a source of income generation, employment opportunities, along with production of valuable foods that reduces household malnutrition. | Performance of Narmada nidhi and local non descript birds reared in backyard farming system for empowering women