Sericulture is an agro based industry providing lively hood to about seven million of rural people in India. Karnataka has more than per cent of the total area under mulberry cultivation contributing over per cent of silk produced in the country. The study was conducted in the year 2017-2018 in Molakalmuru, Challakere and Hiriyurtaluks of Chitradurga district in Karnataka. From this district among the 120 respondents were revealed that over one-third ( %) of Bi-voltine silkworm rearing respondents belong to middle age category, 30 per cent of Bi-voltine silkworm rearing farmers had PUC level of education. In respect to annual income, per cent of the Bivoltine silkworm rearing farmers belonged to upto 1 lakh income category. Majority of respondents ( %) farmers belong to high level of risk orientation, majority ( %) of the farmers belong to high mass media participation .More than half () of the Bi-voltine silkworm rearing farmers belonged to high extension agency contact and majority ( %) of the Bi-voltine silkworm rearing farmers belong to high extension participation category. | Profile of Bi-voltine silkworm rearing farmers of Chitradurga district, India