French bean is one of the most important legume vegetables with highly antidiabetic property and used for cardiac problems. Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) is one of the destructive viral diseases affecting yield potential of french bean both quantitatively and qualitatively. Induced mutations have offered a single and short alternative to conventional breeding including isolation, screening, selection and testing generation after generation. An investigation was carried out with Arka Anoop (French bean cultivar), treated with mutagen Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS) at the dose of per cent. The M2 generation were raised as an individual M1 plant basis. The control and treated populations of M2 generation was carefully screened for pod shattering resistance. The mungbean yellow mosaic virus disease incidence was recorded for all the plants in M2 generation of the selected 250 mutants. Based on field scoring, the mutants viz., M2 F28, and M2 F115, M2 F146, M2 F156, M2 F164, M2 F165, M2 F217 were identified as mung bean yellow mosaic virus resistant and moderately resistant mutants. These resistant mutants have been subjected to next generation screening. | Screening of mutant population (M2) for mungbean yellow mosaic virus resistance in french bean