A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station (MPUAT), Banswara (Rajasthan), India to assess the validation of SSNM practice in maize– wheat cropping system under sub-humid condition of southern Rajasthan. The experiment comprised seven treatments of absolute control (No nutrient), RDF-state, RDF-national, SSNM, SSNM-N, SSNM-P and SSNM-K. Treatments were applied in randomized block design with three replication at fixed site for both crops during both the years. Growth and yield attributes significantly influenced by nutrient omission treatments and their values were higher at nutrients that applied through SSNM approach. | Response of nutrient omission on growth, productivity and profitability of maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestvum L) cropping system in southern Rajasthan