CYP3A5 là một trong 4 gen thuộc cụm gen CYP3A mã hóa cho các enzyme tham gia chuyển hóa nhiều loại thuốc, các hợp chất nội sinh và các hợp chất xenobiotic khác. Trong đó, CYP3A5 tham gia chuyển hóa hơn 30% thuốc lâm sàng được kê đơn. Khả năng chuyển hóa thuốc của CYP3A5 cũng như các gen khác thuộc họ CYP3A phụ thuộc chủ yếu vào di truyền. | Nghiên cứu đa hình gen CYP3A5 ở người kinh Việt Nam TAP CHI SINH HOC 2020, 42(1): 111–123 DOI: STUDY OF CYP3A5 GENETIC POLYMORPHISM IN VIETNAMESE KINH ETHNIC GROUP Vu Phuong Nhung1,2, Nguyen Dang Ton1,2, Nguyen Hai Ha1,2,* 1 Institute of Genome Research, VAST, Vietnam 2 Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST, Vietnam Received 25 April 2019, accepted 2 January 2020 ABSTRACT Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP) belongs to the CYP3A cluster, which encode for several enzymes involved in metabolism of various drugs, endogenous substrates as well as exogenous compounds. Among the four genes of CY3A cluster, CYP3A5 plays an important role in pharmacogenetics since this enzyme metabolizes over 30% of the clinically prescribed drugs. The inter-individual variability in clearance of CYP3A substrates mainly depends on the genetic factors. In the present study, after collecting peripheral bloods samples from 100 unrelated healthy Kinh ethnic group in Vietnam, Sanger sequencing was used in order to determine the CYP3A5 variants responsible for enzyme activity alteration (*3, *6, *8 and *9). It was shown that CYP3A5*3 is the most prevalent variant with , in which a haft of individuals carrying *3 were homozygous for this allele. In contrast, the variants *6, *8 and *9 were not found the study subjects. The data observed in current study would support dosing of drugs that metabolized by CYP3A5 and thereby increase treatment outcome. Keywords: CYP3A5, drug metabolism, genetic variant, Kinh ethnic group, pharmacogenetics, tacrolimus. Citation: Vu Phuong Nhung, Nguyen Dang Ton, Nguyen Hai Ha, 2020. Study of CYP3A5 genetic polymorphism in Vietnamese Kinh ethnic group. Tap chi Sinh hoc (Journal of Biology), 42(1): 111–123. . *Corresponding author email: nguyenhaiha@ ©2020 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology .