Genotype-environment interaction and stability performance were investigated on twenty genotypes of bio-fortified red kernel rice in three environments, at the experimental farm of Agricultural Research Station, Shirgaon, Agricultural Research Station, Phondaghat and department of Agricultural Botany farm, Dapoli (.) during Kharif 2016. In interaction principle axis of AMMI biplot, first interaction principle axis (IPCA I) are favorable for all characters but second interaction principle axis (IPCA II) are favorable for eight characters In AMMI 1 biplot, Dapoli location (E3) favorable six for characters, Phondaghat location (E2) favorable for three characters and Shirgaon location (E1) favorable for eight traits Both AMMI 1 and AMMI 2 biplot analysis was performed for grain yield plot-1 since mean square for the IPCA I and IPCA II were found to be significant. | AMMI biplot analysis for stability of grain yield and yield contributing traits in promising bio-fortified red kernel genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.)