The present study was conducted on the wing bones of an adult great Indian horned owl. The humerus was the largest of the wing bones. It had a slightly twisted cylindrical shaft and two expanded extremities. The proximal extremity had a distinct elongated head, a medial tuberosity and a lateral tubercle which continued as the prominent deltoid crest caudolaterally. Distal extremity on its caudal aspect had a wide shallow olecranon fossa. Ulna was thicker and radius was slender rod like. The head of the radius had a facet for radial condyle of humerus and laterally an articular area for ulna. Distal end had a facet for radial carpal. Both radius and ulna enclosed a wide interosseous space. The carpals were two, radial and ulnar carpals. | Gross anatomy of the wing bones of the great Indian horned owl (Bubo bengalenses)