c A one year old intact male Dobermann dog was brought to Small Animal Surgery Out Patient ward unit at Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital with the history of acute vomition and diarrhoea for the past four days. The animal was anorectic and severely dehydrated with a congested mucous membrane. A hard-painful irregular contoured moveable mass was observed on abdominal palpation. Lateral and ventrodorsal abdominal and thoracic radiographs were taken to rule out foreign body, which revealed a radiopaque irregularly shaped foreign body at the caudal intestine. An ultrasound examination disclosed the presence of a foreign body. A routine haematobiochemical profile was taken to ascertain organ health status. Marginal anaemia accompanied by increased ALP and BUN values were present. | End to end enteroanastomosis following enterectomy after retrieval of an intestinal foreign body in a Dobermann dog