This report deals with the successful clinical management of Leptospirosis infection in two dogs. Two dogs one Pomeranian and one Labrador of ages two years and four years respectively was presented to the Referral Veterinary Polyclinic, IVRI Izatnagar in recumbent stage having history of acute onset of vomiting, anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria and weight loss, coughing, lethargy. There were no proper record of deworming and vaccination. Clinical examination revealed icteric conjunctival, gingival and penile mucous membrane, fever, depressed mentation, enlarged lymph node, tachycardia and tachypnea and slightly distended abdomen, Abdominal palpation and ultrasonographic examination revealed hepato-renal abnormality and Superficial lymph nodes (popliteal, and submandibular) were greatly enlarged. | Therapeutic management of leptospirosis in two dogs: A case report