Phytocystatins (PhyCys) act as endogenous regulators of cysteine proteases (CysProt) involved in various physiological processes. Besides, PhyCys are involved in plant reactions to abiotic stresses like drought or darkness and have been used as effective molecules against different pests and pathogens. | Differential response of silencing HvIcy2 barley plants against Magnaporthe oryzae infection and light deprivation .den color inherit .ttnd ol .ttnd ul .ttnd dl padding 0 0px 0 20px .ttnd hr margin 10px 0px .ttnd a href javascript void 0 .ttnd a href color inherit dtextscript p text-align left dtextscript img vertical-align middle Velasco-Arroyo et al. BMC Plant Biology 2018 18 337 lt br gt https s12870-018-1560-6 lt br gt lt br gt lt br gt lt br gt lt br gt RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access lt br gt lt br gt Differential response of silencing HvIcy2 lt br gt barley plants against Magnaporthe oryzae lt br gt infection and light deprivation lt br gt Blanca Velasco-Arroyo1 Manuel Martinez1 2 Isabel Diaz1 2 and Mercedes Diaz-Mendoza1 lt br gt lt br gt lt br gt Abstract lt br gt Background Phytocystatins PhyCys act as endogenous regulators of cysteine proteases CysProt involved in lt br gt various physiological processes. Besides PhyCys are involved in plant reactions to abiotic stresses like drought or lt br gt darkness and have been used as effective molecules against different pests and pathogens. The barley PhyCys- lt br gt CysProt system is considered a model of protease-inhibitor regulation of protein turnover. Thirteen barley cystatins lt br gt HvCPI-1 to HvCPI-13 have been previously identified and characterized. Among them HvCPI-2 has been shown to lt br gt have a relevant role in plant responses to pathogens and pests as well as in the plant response to drought. lt br gt Results The present work explores the multiple role of this barley PhyCys in response to both biotic and abiotic lt br gt stresses focusing on the impact of silencing this gene. HvIcy-2 silencing lines behave differentially against the lt br gt phytopathogenic fungus Magnaporthe oryzae and a light deprivation treatment. The induced expression of HvIcy-2 lt br gt by the fungal stress correlated to a higher susceptibility of silencing HvIcy-2 plants. In contrast a reduction in the