A field experiment was conducted at Parbhani on vertisols during rabi seasons of 2013-14 and 2014-15 to find out the effect of eight weed control strategies . T1: Pendimethalin @ kg/ ha (PE), T 2: Trifluralin @ kg/ ha (PE), T 3: Metolachlor kg/ ha (PE), T 4: Imazethapyr @ kg/ ha (POE), T 5: Quizalofop ethyl @ 40 g/ ha (POE), T 6: Propaquizafop @ kg/ ha (POE), T 7: Weed free and T 8: Weedy check were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications. | Evaluation of new herbicides on weed flora and productivity of chickpea Cicer arietinum L.