Studies on influence of peripartum nutritional supplementation on uterine involution and postpartum fertility are meager in Jaffarabadi buffaloes. Hence this investigation was undertaken at Cattle Breeding Farm, JAU, Junagadh on 40 advanced pregnant Jaffarabadi buffaloes of 2-4 parity. The animals were divided into two equal groups, viz., control and treatment groups. The control goup was maintained on standard routine farm feeding, while the animals of treatment group received additional daily oral supplements of 50 g chelated mineral mixture and 150 g bypass fat along with concentrate for 6 weeks prepartum till 2 weeks postpartum. The bypass fat was then given @ 15 g/litre of milk produced limiting maximum up to 200 g/head/day till 60 days postpartum. | Evaluation of uterine involution by rectal palpation and ultrasonography in peripartum nutritional supplemented Jaffarabadi buffaloes