The present study was conducted in Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh to study the profile characteristics and Information Source Utilization Pattern of rain fed groundnut farmers. Ananathapur farmers are largely dependent on drought-prone, rain-fed agriculture; and mostly a single crop of groundnut is sown in about 8 lakh ha under such harsh and agro climatic conditions. Of its geographical area of 19, 13,000 ha, (largest in AP) 10, 00,000 ha are rain-fed. The present state of has totally about 40 lakh ha under rain fed cultivation and 25% of it is in Ananathapur district. Only about 1, 08,000 ha are irrigated, that too mostly through undependable ground water fed tube wells. This is the only drought-prone district with a meager 10% of cultivated area under irrigation and a large 90% under rainfed farming. Main objective of present study was to bring out the profile characteristics and extent of use of different information sources by the rainfed ground nut farmers. | Information source utilization pattern of rainfed ground nut growers in Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh India