Avian urolithiasis, or known as gout, is resultant to kidney damage from any of a number of potential cause, namely infectious or nutritional disease, ingestion of toxins, or a combination of factors. The present study reports pathomorphology of visceral Gout in commercial broiler chicken from Puducherry and Tamil Nadu region in India. A total of 120 kidney samples were collected for gross and histopathological examination. 24 (20%) samples showed gross changes of visceral gout. Microscopically, gout was recorded in 28 () cases. The renal lesions characterized by varying degree of tubular degeneration and necrosis. In addition, radiating fine needle shaped crystals were noticed in the lumen and interstitium of renal parenchyma. De Galantha staining method on tissue sections of affected organs confirmed the cases as gout. | Pathology of gout in commercial broiler chicken