Irrigation and nutrients are most prerequisite factors for crop growth and development. Any imbalance in supply of water or nutrients may leads to poor crop performance and lower production. Therefore there is need to optimize irrigation and fertigation practices to sustain the fenugreek growth, yield and also better seed quality. In the present study drip irrigation at three levels (I1 - 25 % CPE, I2- 50 % CPE and I3 - 75 % CPE) and fertigation at four levels (F1 - 25 % RDF, F2 - 50 % RDF, F3 – 75% RDF and F4 - 100 % RDF) were studied in split plot design with three replications. Results reveled that drip irrigation at 75 per cent cumulative pan evaporation recorded highest growth and yield but it was on par with drip irrigation at 50 per cent cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) (I2). | Growth seed yield protein content and water use efficiency of fenugreek Trigonellafoenum graceum L. as influenced by drip irrigation regimes and fertigation levels