The use of cement concrete as a stronger and more durable material than asphalt concrete in construction of the pavements has been increased during the past decades. This review paper investigates the effect of various input variables for the design of continuously reinforced concrete pavements. | Factors influencing stresses and movements in continuously reinforced concrete pavements A review Engineering Solid Mechanics 2018 67-82 Contents lists available at GrowingScience Engineering Solid Mechanics homepage esm Factors influencing stresses and movements in continuously reinforced concrete pavements A review M. M. Mirsayara and D. G. Zollinger a Texas A amp M University Zachry Department of Civil Engineering College Station TX 77843-313 USA A R T I C L EI N F O ABSTRACT Article history The use of cement concrete as a stronger and more durable material than asphalt concrete in Received 6 June 2017 construction of the pavements has been increased during the past decades. This review paper Accepted 2 October 2017 investigates the effect of various input variables for the design of continuously reinforced Available online concrete pavements. A literature review is prepared based on the efforts performed by many 3 October 2017 Keywords researchers to investigate the effect of different factors including temperature change Stress shrinkage material properties of the concrete and concrete slab subbase bond properties on Continuously reinforced concrete the displacements and stresses in the concrete slab. It is found that the important role of pavements concrete slab subbase bond strength has not been investigated properly as compared to other input variables. 2018 by the authors licensee Growing Science Canada 1. Introduction Based on the structural performance pavements can be classified into two categories flexible pavements and rigid pavements. In flexible pavements wheel loads are transferred by grain-to-grain contact of the aggregate through the granular structure. Since they are made of bituminous materials and aggregates the flexural strength of the flexible pavements is less and they behave like a flexible plate. On the contrary in rigid pavements which are made of cementitious materials and aggregates wheel loads are transferred